Sunday, February 24, 2008


Sometimes I feel like I'm hearing voices. Not the really crazy kind, just the back and forth, play the angles, get you all confused kind.

This is what it sounds like:

If we didn't do any other interventions from this point on, we would still conceive "naturally" at some point. I mean, they don't even know for sure why I'm not getting pregnant now.

But what if you don't. You're young now. If you wait another 3-4 years and then try IVF it may be too late.

I know, that's what I'm afraid of. I just wish it would happen now.

This barren time is here to teach you to be at peace and let go of control.

That's ridiculous. This time is only what I make of it. There's no supernatural reason for the state of my womb. It may be a good time to work on my control issues while I'm waiting, but that doesn't mean it will change anything.

You need to wait until you're really ready to do IVF. It will require more of you than you know. Much more than you've had to give up to this point.

How can I ever be ready? What does that even mean? Ready to submit my body to science in hopes of creating life?

That's a little dramatic, don't you think? "Submit your body to science" it's not like they're going to dissect you.

Maybe not, but it just isn't the way I thought it would be. It's not how I wanted it to be. Why is it so hard?!

You're making it even harder by beating yourself up all the time. Just relax. Take a break if you need to.

How can I? There's no real break until we play out all our options and settle somewhere.

What if you shifted all this energy you're putting into trying to get pregnant into some other pursuit? Explore your creativity, throw yourself into your work, go deep into meditation, become a yogi, go back to school, move overseas. This is still your life. You can do so many things.

But I really want a baby. Sooner than later. Maybe I will do those things, but I don't feel like I can do much of anything until I get some resolution to the baby issue.

Fine, if that's really how you feel then go for it, but not right now. You're still too vulnerable from the disappointments and failures of the past year. Take a month to breathe and gather your strength to start again.


Frenchie said...

I have the voices, too.

I think most of IFers do.

I wish I had a MUTE button for my brain.

Take care.

Daisha said...

Does "MM" have voices in his head too? If he does, maybe his voices and your voices could have a "conversation" and help the 2 of you decide what's best for the next step.

I'm so sorry that you are having this struggle.

Suzanne said...

love you jess. hope you find all of your answers. and some MUCH needed peace. praying for a baby.

Gioietta said...

I am sorry...I just now got a chance to check your blog. I wanted to talk to you when Jon call MM but wondered if I should wait, I didn't want to bring it up in a question "Did you test?" unless you wanted too...I can only imagine the disappointment. (((HUGS)))
I think we all have voices, even if some won't admit to it. Some are negative (or really negative and bad in cases like schizophrenia) those are the ones to ignore...the ones that repeat that all is doomed, or you are a failure. But some make sense, right? I don't know you, but after going through so much "trying" your body does need to recoup. As well as your mind and spirit. That's exactly what my acupuncturist had me do. And in and of was one of the best things I (we--- but I was the crazy emotional one by far) did during that TTC time. In some ways i don't see it as big separate time b/c I didn't stop wanting a baby...I stopped trying though to have control over something I really never did that much. Mostly, I gave myself permission to stop worrying and thinking about it. It doesn't mean you won't pursue IVF in the near time future, or perhaps not, but it will give you some time to unwind and then gather your strength together.

Sending love,

JJ said...

My voices never shut up...I agree with Frenchie, we need a MUTE button.
Im sorry they are so loud right now....