Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Open Enrollment

It's open enrollment time at my place of employment. I'm considering doing what I never thought I'd do--sign up for Kaiser. You may or may not be familiar with the HMO giant of the west coast. To some it's the devil to others a savior. I won't go into my personal feelings about it, let's just say they're mixed.

The reason I'm thinking of going to the "other side" is that they will cover 50% of infertility services including IVF (at least according the reps, I'll call member services to confirm). My current Blue Cross plan covers 0%. That's a significant difference. My only concern is that there will be a long waiting list or they'll make me jump through a bunch of hoops that I've already been through to prove that I really need IVF. I'm hoping that with two independent recommendations and my demonstrated "failures" with other means they'll let me move quickly to IVF.

Has anyone else used Kaiser for IVF? I'd really like to get some feedback from women who have done both the private and big HMO way. I have to decide by Dec. 12, so I have a little time to do some more research. Thoughts?


Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

I am anxious to see if I can find the book mentioned in the "Exposed" Blog. I totally agree, I know so many people that are dealing with fertility issues right now, and there has to be some underlying cause. Not to get off track- but I think the same may be true autism. Anyway - I also had to sign up for insurance. I know nothing about Kaiser, but 50% coverage is a lot. Something to consider for sure.

Anonymous said...

I will inquire

Anonymous said...

i am looking for a blog on fertility in spanish

Anonymous said...

I live in CA and can also enroll at Kaiser during open enrollment, and I've considered the exact same thing. My only fear is that like you already mentioned, they would make me jump through a bunch of hoops or they would try to say it was a pre-existing condition. I hate paying for infertility, while other people don't have to. Not fair!