I'm posting a picture of the embryos or "the twins" as my brother refers to them. I hope at least one has found my womb to be an inviting space to stay for the next nine months or so. I've been thinking about them a lot, floating around in there, hopefully stuck by now. It's crazy that this is how we all started out, just a few cells.
I've decided the best way for me to get through the next two weeks is to assume I am pregnant until a quant Hcg tells me otherwise. Three days down, eleven to go.
Congratulations! I know the 2 week wait is the definitely the hardest (just from years of trying naturally). I hope it all works out!!
yay! i hope it continues to fly by for you! sending you lots of love from texas!
i could not sleep until i read your story!
i needed to know, so to dream with you.
I'm glad you are well taken care of during this time. The wait will be over before you know it!
Wow! What amazing pitures- how cool will it be for your children to have pictures of themselves when they were just starting out- too cool! Think of you everyday.
I was thinking the same thing, how wonderful to have such pictures of these tiny human babies :) I am praying for the twins! I am glad you are living this with calmness. I do tend to think you might as well live it right now, with hopefulness.
You ARE PUPO--and I am keeping so many positive thoughts for you, CC.
Thank you so, so much for your offer on the Bravelle--I'd be grateful for those vials. Like you said, every little bit helps!
Let me know what yuor email address is and and Ill get my shipping info to you and we'll work out the ship cost as well. email me @ reprojeans@gmail.com
Thanks again!
Just wanted you guys to know I am praying for these babies!! Keep those positive thoughts going!
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