Thursday, April 10, 2008

Huevos Jueves

Nena lovingly termed today "Huevos Jueves". We made a spinach and chicken chorizo scramble for dinner last night with 12 eggs for good luck. I was a little nervous because I haven't felt anything going on down there. I know some women feel a little abdominal pain or bloating, but I haven't felt a thing.

I have a friend at work who started an IVF cycle, but was a "poor responder" and didn't make it to retrieval. So this felt like a big first test. I was so nervous I couldn't sit still in the waiting room. I kept getting up to get a drink, to look at the books & magazines, anything not to sit still. They came and took my blood for the estradiol level, then escorted me to the room with the ultrasound machine that would tell us if all these hormones and shots were doing any good.

She looked at the lining first--8mm, then the right ovary--6 follicles 11-15 mm each, then the left--8 follicles 11-15 mm. Considering my low antral follicle count and elevated FSH, this is a pretty good response.

I was relieved, but not as excited as I thought I would be. I am painfully aware that this is just the first in a series of small steps that may or may not end in a healthy pregnancy and birth. It is nice to get some good news though. So we'll celebrate the small successes along the way too. The next step is an ultrasound and blood test on Saturday.


Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

Yeah for small steps! I say rejoice in every good little bit. : ) Mo

Jernigan Family said...

How do you eat an Elephant? One small bite at a time! I love to hear about each of the small successes! Thinking of you and sending happy egg thoughts your way! I so admire your strength and perservence! - AJ

Suzanne said...

o holy COW! and by the way, i didn't feel ANY different in my pregnancy AT ALL! so, no worries if you feel exactly the same! love you and crossing my fingers so hard my circulation is cutting off! (kind of a weird descripton...but you get the idea!)