Monday, September 17, 2007

Just Relax

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me to "just relax" I could probably pay for a cycle of IVF. It's a great idea, but have you ever tried to "relax" about one of the most important things in your life, something that you want with all your heart, but have no control over? It's not easy. Nonetheless I decided to give it a really good try this past week. We spent a week in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. It was pretty close to paradise, and quite possibly the best vacation ever. Maybe it was the timing of it that made it so fabulous, but honestly, we had a great time. I'll spare you the details...lets just say a week of nothing to do but whatever you want at a great resort on the "Mexican Rivera" with the love of your life is good for the soul.
I haven't uploaded our pictures yet, but our hotel was just to the right of this frame. We spent most of our time right there on the beach and snorkeled around those rocks. Did I mention we had a fabulous time?

Oh, and about parabens. Some of you were asking what they are. Well, they are a class of preservatives used (rather ubiquitously) in cosmetics, soaps, and shampoos (though you can find products that are "paraben free"). Officially, they're considered safe, but recently there has been increased controversy. They are what is known as xenoestrogens, which means they act like estrogens, but can't be metabolized by the body in the way that plant and human estrogens are. The most concerning effects are related to reproduction and breast cancer. There's a good article in wikipedia about parabens and xenoestrogens if you're interested.


*K* said...

this looks PERFECT! so glad that you guys did this!!

Drew Custer said...

The words beautiful, beautiful beautiful come to mind:)Do you remember that little tune Marcus made up for that video they made in Greece? I looked at the pics last night and it brought back some memories. I'm glad you had a good time.