Sunday, May 4, 2008

The moment we've all been waiting for...

Sorry to have left everyone waiting so long for this post. I wasn’t trying to be mean, just wanted to make some phone calls first, then didn’t have wireless like I thought we would this weekend.

I resisted the urge to take a home pregnancy test (mostly because I asked our house mate to hide them) because I decided it would be best to wait for a meaningful result. A paired beta Hcg would be meaningful--a negative or positive home pregnancy test wouldn’t give me as much info. Besides, I had based my plans for work and travel around the assumption that we would find out Wednesday night or Thursday morning. If I waited until then, MM and I would have 3 days together to either celebrate together or comfort each other. That didn't make the wait any easier.

Wednesday was a long day. I got up early and went for a walk with a girlfriend before going in for my second beta. I asked the MA at the office who took my blood if they really made women come in for the second one even if the first one was zero. She said yes. Apparently since she started working there 5 years ago, 2 women have had a positive second beta after their first one was zero. It still seems cruel. I asked them to call the results to MMs phone and leave a message. We decided we would listen to the message together when we both got home from work. After a therapeutic muffin and herbal tea at a local coffee shop, I went to work for one of the most distracted days ever.

During our lunch meeting I looked longingly at my friend and co-worker’s belly—she’s 34 weeks pregnant—and wondered if that would ever be me. I made it through the rest of the day, including a long evening clinic, before I got home to meet MM and get our results. I know I wrote a rather hopeful post on Tuesday night, but by Wednesday I had convinced myself that I probably wasn’t pregnant, but that I would be OK. MM was worried too. I reassured him that I really would survive. Then we listened to the message, “This is Jamie from Dr. __ office. I’m supposed to leave a message with your results. Your wife is totally pregnant…” there was some more after that about instructions for follow-up, etc. but we had both stopped listening. I really couldn’t believe it. I’m pregnant! I’ve never been pregnant and now I am. I thought I would feel different.

It was strange after so many negative results to finally get the positive we’ve been waiting for. Suddenly I'm shifting gears from trying to get pregnant to trying to take care of the little life inside me. Of course I'm aware that this pregnancy is still very early and anything could happen. Right now though, I'm pregnant, and that's cause for lots of celebration.

This experience is at the same time deeply affirming and humbling. I can't help but think about all the other women who are still waiting for their positive. They want it just as bad. Why did it work for me and not them? The mystery and randomness of life is hard to comprehend.

The looming question now is still, how many babies. We won’t know until our ultrasound on May 15th. My quants were 167 and 409. Anybody want to take a guess--one or two?


Anonymous said...

That must be the most amazing feeling ever! Congratulations!!!

Josh and Marcie said...

Yahooo!!!! I couldn't feel happier for you. Praise God. I am so glad you are enjoying the moment. Soak it all in, relax and you are right, the good news is you now know you can get pregnant. What a relief. I am sure you are going to be feeling much more energy because it is such a draining process. You will be amazing parents.

emily said...

Yaaaayyy!!! Chad and I are both thrilled for you and praying for a wonderful pregnancy and a healthy baby(or babies...)

Suzanne said...

i totally texted the nursing girls b/c i was DYING to know!!! yaaay! i am so happy for yall!!! praise God!

Grubb Family said...

Woo Hoo!! I'm sooooo absolutely ecstatic for you. I've been dying all weekend waiting for your results. Congratulations!!

Erik said...

(I wanted to be the one to use the most exclamation points)

I'm going to go ahead and guess that there are two! :)

Love you so much,

Justin Burton said...

Congratulations! It's thrilling, even from 3000 miles away. I'm super happy for both of you...actually, make that all of you.

Gioietta said...

joy, joy, joy! sharing in the excitement and celebration of the new life forming inside of you!

Jernigan Family said...

I think this little one inside me (who will hopefully be on the outside soon) lept with JOY as I read aload this wonderful post. I am so happy for you! My vote is TWINS! You have waited so long and perservered for SO long you are due double the blessing! Still here thinking happy pregnancy thoughts for you. Lots of Love! AJ

JJ said...

Well look at you!!! Congrats CC! Im sorry I missed reading this before I emailed you this morning=) So happy for you!

bb said...


Heidi said...


Cibele said...


sara said...

Wow, just wanted to say congrats! Isn't it an amazing feeling?

Hope said...

hooray!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!! I wish you lots of omega 3s and folic acid. :) And, that's a pretty good Hcg jump- I'm voting 2.

Anonymous said...

My vote is that Godfrey has a brother or sister...

Daisha said...

I'm so happy for you guys!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you guys...congratulations!


audra said...

I'm just catching up with your blog. It's funny, I was there that night, but I still cried reading about it!
So much love to you...