Sunday, May 25, 2008

Birth Center vs. Hospital

MM and I visited a free-standing Birth Center close to home last week. We both really liked it. It's a group of 4 CNMs who rotate call. They provide all your prenatal care and are with you through your entire birth. They also provide a dula and have the option of water birth. They focus on birth as a natural and normal process, expecting that things will go well, and are prepared when they don't. Their c-section rate is 5-8% (national average is 30%). They do 220 births/year with an average of 1 ambulance transfer/year. They have a great relationship with the local hospital and will go with you if you have to transfer for any reason. It sounds exactly what I want. So why is there still a question? Insurance of course. My current plan is not contracted with them. I might be able to upgrade to a different plan, but it would still be more out-of-pocket expenses for us. Our system is so screwed up. Care with the midwives at the birth center costs less overall and has great outcomes--but because of the way insurance works it will cost me more. I still have some time to decide. I'm just frustrated that this is even an issue.


Brett, April, Caden, Corban & Eden said...

When I was asking questions to my stateside OBGYN about safety in Africa...he reminded me that women have been giving birth for forever and that it has only been recently that they've used doctors and hospitals. I know you want the perfect birth experience...but take comfort in knowing that the kid comes out and you will have a precious little one to love on no matter the environment he/she comes into the world in. Such a fun journey! Love you. -AE (by the way...what does "CC" stand for?)

Hope said...

I second that our system is crazy! I loved my birth center rotation- I am definitely a big proponent of water birth, too. I think you would really enjoying birthing there. It is stupid that it cost more. I think you will do great whatever you decide- just make sure you have people around who will support your choices. So excited for you guys!

Gioietta said...

I hear you! There are no birth centers even near us. It ended up being more expensive going the midwife route, esp. since we would have had to travel for appts. etc. I was going to consider it, espe. a water birth, though I am not crazy about having the baby at home...I still like the idea that the baby will have everything it needs in any emergency case where I deliver. I had a good experience with J. at the hospital, were I think I surprised my OB going the 'old fashion' way, no anest. and deliver over 9 lb. baby! the best on this decision, remember to go with whatever you and m are at peace with!