A few days after the delivery, I opened up the freezer looking for something to eat. I noticed a clear Tupperware container with what looked like frozen fruit salad inside, but I didn't remember freezing any cut up fruit & berries. Before I investigated any further I realized what it was--my placenta. If you think that's gross, I apologize. I think it's a little gross myself, and it's my placenta.
Prior to the delivery the midwife had asked if I wanted to keep the placenta to plant or anything. Apparently it's pretty common with home birthers to save the placenta for some other use. I wasn't sure at the time, so I guess she erred on the side of caution and froze it so I could decide later. For quite a while I still wasn't sure what to do with it. It didn't seem right just to throw it out, but we live in a house we rent, and I didn't want to worry about having to dig up a placenta tree every time we move. So it remained in the freezer.
Now I am excited to report that my placenta will have a new home. A non-profit dedicated to developing a sustainable local food system just started an adopt a tree program. You donate toward the purchase of a fruit tree that you can then name and plant on their farm here in town. I was a little nervous about asking the farm manager if it was OK to plant my placenta with our tree. I left an odd message on her voice mail, but she called back and said she loved the idea and that my placenta was welcome there. So in just a few weeks my placenta will become part of the earth that nourishes a fruit tree that will hopefully provide great fresh fruit to local families for years to come. That makes me smile--even if it is a little gross.
Sometimes I pee on my banana tree, and then when it gives fruit, I give the fruit to my friends and neighbors. I guess we're competing to see who can be more gross, Jess :)
This is awesome! It made me smile too :) I love that she just took it upon herself to freeze your placenta. No sign on it or anything. Just a frozen mass of blood and tissue. AWESOME!
P.S. it was SO good to talk to you the other day. Love to all 3 of you!
LOL! I love your placenta will be nurturing a fruit tree. At least your not eating it for nourshiment- now that would be gross to me. Some people do that you know?
This is the best blog entry I have and will ever read!
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